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Health Diplomacy

We can all relate to the necessity of health care, to need to see a doctor when we are sick. I believe it is a right we all deserve equally, rich or poor. There are a multitude of organizations involved with health diplomacy worldwide, with both individuals and nations participating in the urgent need to create access to medical care, provide models of sustainability and conservancy, and to help create educational opportunities for the youth while honoring and preserving the wisdom of the elders.

As an individual who truly believes one person can make a huge difference in the world, I invite you to get involved and change the world.

Jamii Moja

Empowering African communities to thrive

Jamii Moja means “one world, one family” in Swahili, and it’s also a Portland-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit volunteer organization that I am involved with as part of Luca Holistic Medicine's humanitarian outreach.  Our mission is to assist in the development of educational opportunities and sustainable programs for the Maasai communities of rural Kenya. Some of our current projects include sponsorship for educational expenses for 29 children, further development of a rural medical clinic, help with micro-enterprise for women to become self-sustaining, and continuing to provide a holistic approach toward growth and development.   

Traditional Medicine in Jamaica

We must preserve the traditions of indigenous peoples of the world

As the world moves with leaps and bounds into science and technology, many traditions are fading. Botanical medicine is one example of this. Jamaica's history of diverse peoples, such as Arawak, African, Chinese and Indian, has created an amazing materia medica of plant medicine. My 2013 ethnobotany trip with naturopathic colleagues from around the U.S. focused on preserving the knowledge of the Maroons and Jamaican Rastas. Jamba, an elder in the St. Mary Parish, was one of our teachers.

African Birth Collective

To meet the critical need for safe childbirth practices across Africa

African Birth Collective is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Oregon. Our mission is to provide women with opportunities for safe labor and delivery. Our goal is to increase medical education for Senegalese matrones (equivalent to our midwives) and to expand the cross-cultural communication of the birthing process. We are a board of physicians, midwives, business women, and medical anthropologists. Our current project is to print a French translation of A Handbook for Midwives for distribution in west Africa, to spread knowledge and safety.

Preserving Traditional Botanical Medicine in the Tropics

Hawaiian herbal medicine has a rich history and vast plant materia medica

Modern medicine has tremendous benefits from a public health perspective and provides us with a multitude of benefits, options for care, and treatment for disease. However, the cultures of the world have important indigenous medicines that have been used for hundreds and in some cases thousands of years.

Classical Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Amazonian plant medicines and therapeutic techniques are some of the more commonly known traditional medicines, but there are many more to study and to preserve. 

Tropical and Hawaiian traditional plant medicine is a blossoming area of science and phytotherapy that is of particular interest to me because of its visual boldness and sheer beauty.

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